Sheri Lai Design
Sheri Lai Design
Brand design & Strategy, Graphic design

Sheri Lai

I am a passionate graphic & branding designer with a base in both Tokyo and Taiwan. Drawing inspiration from the rich design cultures of Japan and Britain, I am committed to transforming visual communication by challenging conventional norms in our daily lives. For me, visual design is not just about creating eye-catching aesthetics; it carries a profound responsibility to convey meaningful messages and deliver them in an effective and intelligent manner. My goal is to create designs that not only captivate but also inspire, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.


ーTHe Co-founder of Lab Cherry Wood Ltd.

ーThe founder of Sheri Lai Design Studio

ーUAL (University of the Arts London) MA Graphic Branding & Identity (2016〜2017)

ーGraduated from TECHNOS COLLEGE (TOKYO) 

ーGraduated from National Chengchi University (Department of Japanese Language / Television & Radio) 


I am capable of…


Generating brand idea & Build solid branding strategy

A brand encompasses much more than just a logo; it's the essence of your business and how it resonates with your audience. As a graphic & branding designer, I specialize in crafting meaningful brand identities that go beyond the surface. By understanding your brand's unique story and values, I can transform it into a compelling visual narrative. Through smart and innovative design, I will communicate your brand's original meaning, leaving a lasting impact on your target audience. Let's work together to create a brand that truly stands out and connects with your customers on a deeper level.


Visual Indentity

A strong brand visual identity plays a pivotal role in building initial brand awareness among your target audience. Starting with an iconic and recognizable logo, I work with my clients to develop a comprehensive corporate visual identity and guidelines. This includes creating a consistent and cohesive look across various brand elements, such as business cards, merchandise, and packaging. By implementing these visual assets strategically, I ensure your brand stands out in the market and leaves a lasting impression on your customers.


Graphic Design

Graphic design is the art of visual communication, and I'm passionate about creating impactful designs that cater to both print and digital media. Whether it's designing for traditional printed materials or crafting digital assets for online platforms, my expertise lies in delivering designs that are clear, clean, and optimized to meet your specific needs. From eye-catching logos and engaging marketing materials to user-friendly digital interfaces, I strive to create designs that not only look stunning but also effectively convey your message to your target audience. Let's collaborate to bring your vision to life and elevate your brand through the power of graphic design.



Editorial design is a versatile and impactful field that encompasses a wide range of mediums, from printed media such as posters, flyers, leaflets, brochures, and book design, to digital platforms. Its purpose is not only to present information in an engaging and organized manner but also to foster better understanding and even drive transformative change within society. As an editorial designer, I strive to create visually compelling and thought-provoking designs that not only captivate the audience but also convey complex messages effectively. Whether it's crafting a compelling book cover that entices readers or designing a powerful poster that sparks social awareness, my goal is to leverage the power of design to make a lasting impact and inspire positive change. Let's collaborate to bring your editorial projects to life and make a difference through innovative and meaningful design solutions.



It’s nice to know that

I very much enjoyed working with Sheri who’s a very exceptional graphic artist in my opinion. She worked out a remarkable concept of my company’s new corporate identity. I can still recall this long-term process vividly. It was both important and difficult step to the company. How to make something new while trying to keep the authentic spirit? Sheri showed us that it was possible! Therefore, the results exceeded in many ways our expectations.
— Chia Tien Yang
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Sheri bedeutet jedes Mal eine spannende Reise in die Welt der visuellen Eindrücke. Sie versteht es, meinen teilweise sehr abstrakten und wirren Gedankengängen zu folgen, die sie wiederum in eine besondere Bildsprache umsetzt. Ihre Designs haben große Wiedererkennugseffekete und stehen nie für sich, sondern immer in einem fundierten Kontext da. Einerseits federleicht und schwebend, andererseits bodenständig und konkret. Sie arbeitet einfühlsam, kompetent und zuverlässig. Was mir besonders gut gefällt an ihrem Arbeitsstil ist, dass sie sehr aufgeschlossen und immer ein offenes Ohr für verschiedene Meinungen hat. Ich freue mich über jede weitere Zusammenarbeit und lasse mich immer wieder gern von ihren Erfahrungen und Ideen überraschen!
— 台灣藝術創作者 葉姿吟 (Dreamholic)
與Sheri合作多次,她的敬業以及專注力叫我非常難忘。在討論意象時候,有時候不知如何說出自己的想法,她竟能夠非常準確了解我心中的想法。 最叫我訝異的是,她可以把我紊亂的思路細細撫平,一一意象化。
— 奧地利/台灣倡銷作家 楊佳恬
個展のDMデザインを2回お願いしました。個展のイメージと展示作品、コンセプトなど丁寧にヒアリングしてくださり、私が想像していた以上の素敵なDMが出来上がりました。個展タイトルのロゴも工夫してくださり、魅力的な個展のビジュアルイメージとなり好評でした。 こちらからの変更点などもすぐ対応してくださり、日本とイギリスという距離を感じないスピード感で助かりました。ありがとうございました。
— 日本彩色芸術家 安斉紗織