Concreate company
Business card 


Concreate Raw Material Company

The business card is for a company selling cement. To create a modern look for this traditional industry, I specialize the paper by using 350g gray cardboard to recreate the texture of Architectural Concrete, making the association with Concrete when you touch it. The thickness of 350g cardboard makes a strong impression. As for the printing method, I chose letterpress printing to highlight the taste a and enhance the impression for whom receive the card.

利用清水模紙的視覺與觸覺傳達水泥業的印象, 印刷法採用活版印刷壓印在細節上給予細膩的觸覺感受。
整體設計考慮到企業形象重塑及資訊傳達的功能性, 將各種要素加以融合給予極簡的平衡感。

印刷方法: 活版印刷紙質: 350g 清水模紙