When the true self is hidden by reality,
how can it be revealed?



Tattoo Design


Craig Lin





The clothes, shoes even socks are the metaphors, implying that we are “wearing” the social identities given by our jobs, positions and most of the time, the expectation from others.

It is hart do to break the limitation and reveal our true selves.

Craig asked me to design a tattoo as a reminder of the belief that everyone has his/her unique value. After some initial brainstorming, we found the direction and idea to create a tattoo that can inspire him at any age. Instead of delicate graphics, we decide to make it shine with a unique message.

Tatto_mockup_My Way-5.gif



The tattoo is expected to be interactive with its owner and Craig can be inspired anytime when he sees it. Craig requests to place his tattoo on his ankle, like this, he can hide it while working with socks or pants. Following this idea, we tried to make it dynamic and meaningful by the way it is presented.

In daily life, socks and clothes, even shadows metaphrase the limitations and reality. The true self can be revealed only when they are removed.


VIsual communication Idea
Break the status quo and reveal yourself




「My Way」代表的除了真我還有未來。未來的路是自己走的,即使前方禁止通行,也要有打破限制無畏冒險的精神。

Applying semiotics, leveraging a stop sign to indicate the rules, limitation and the status quo.

The white bar indicates the obstruction, the framed thoughts.

The erasing motion implies the action of revealing true self which can be temporarily hidden for certain reasons but it will eventually be under the sun.

The phrase “My Way“ means not only the true self but also the future. The future can only be created by one’s own adventure. Break the limitation and keep ongoing.